

Use some; loose some

We all know there are energy losses in any system.
...but this much systemic loss?

Certainly makes one think.



Energy Warts

Nearly every household has them...
...dangling from the sockets of our energy addiction, sucking precious electrons from our already strained electric grid.

Parasite, thy name is wall wart!

Design engineers, please be more intelligent about your stand-by power management. There are options and alternatives. For example, some low-power control to run off capacitors and detect (and supply) the initial current when a load is applied. It will probably cost a buck or two per unit for the additional components, but you'll be saving the end consumer much more in the long-run.



hex grid paper

An easy way to sketch out isometric views without needing a 30/60/90 triangle.


Let there be rabbits!

Not too long ago, pointed folks to an article called Organic Lawn Care For the Cheap and Lazy.
As it turns out, rabbit manure makes a fantastic !

(Gotta ask my brother to save his rabbit's output for me.)


A predator for every prey

Five easy steps to biological enlightenment:

  1. Read article about soybean aphid problem
  2. Do Google Search on "soybean aphid predator".
  3. Find Arthropod Biological Control State Reports for 2004.
  4. Do Google Search on "Orius insidiosus Say picture".
  5. Introducing the Minute Pirate Bug, Orius insidiosus (Say)!
So according to the article in #1, farmers are waiting for the insects to emerge to decide whether or not to spray.

Consider this detail in #3:

"The earlier the predator arrived relative to SBA arrival, the lower was the peak SBA density per plant in that field during the season."

This begs the question, what (if anything) are farmers doing proactively to monitor and maintain a healthy predator population?

...Which in turn prompts the question, what can farmers do to encourage the development of a healthy predator population?

[I'm an engineer, not a biologist!]



Testing the flickr link

Originally uploaded by aplumb.
So, apparently Flickr lets you "Blog this photo" directly.

Giving it a shot to see what happens. Send in the robot!


In the beginning...

...there was Nexus (Not Nodal).
But times changed, as did needs and expectations. Seven years later (has it really been that long?), I think it's time to give it another shot.

They were called "online journals" or "online diaries" back then. Today they're weblogs, or 'blogs for short.

What awaits tomorrow, I wonder.?.